Socials section
About HSG Tango
What we do
The Tango at the University of St. Gallen was founded in early 2024. We regularly organize tango events both for beginners and advanced dancers. Check out our next events or explore our Instagram. Bailamos!
Movie Night
Date:03.10.2024, 18:15 - 21:00
Location:University of St.Gallen
Join us for a special movie night featuring a captivating tango-themed film that will immerse you in the passion and artistry of this iconic dance.
Tango Workshop @ SQUARE
Date:23.10.2024, 16:00 - 18:00
Location:SQUARE, University of St.Gallen, Guisanstrasse 20, CH-9010 St.Gallen
Ever wondered what’s tango about? This is your chance to try it out! Explore the very basics of the dance, and who knows - you might end up with a new hobby ;)
Tuesday Practice @ UNI SPORT
Date:Weekly Tuesdays, 14.30 - 16.00
Location:Unisport, Fitness Room 2, Höhenweg 14, 9000 St.Gallen
Days do not have to be always so gloomy - get together to casually practice, have fun and spice up your week with something special.
Meet our friends

Tangoschule Rafael Herbas
Join the courses, choreography group, special milongas and tango holidays.

Tango Almacén
Join the courses, workshop and weekly milongas every Friday.

Every first saturday of the month dive into a milonga in the middle of the Kaffehaus.

Tangosol y luna St.Gallen
Workshops and milongas in St. Gallen, Tango traditional and Tango Nuevo with local and international Djs
Follow us
Milonga @ SQUARE
See photos →